Monday, May 16, 2011

Final Exam Essay Choices

Dear Future statesmen and stateswomen, administrators, bureaucrats, and political elites,

Here are your three possible essay options for the final exam. Two will be on the final. You will be required to choose one to answer. Outline two of them ahead of time. Your answer will need to be in five paragraph-format.

Write a five-paragraph essay about one of the following topics. (25 points)
A.      What should be the United States’ role in Libya? Be sure to include information on the current events there, as well as your philosophy on when the US military is justified in going to war with another country.
B.      Who really governs in US politics? Answer the question with one of the four traditional answers to this question (Marxist, Bureaucratic, Elitist, Pluralist). Defend your answer by using examples from current events, history, and your knowledge of American politics.
C.      During the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal, the media participated in “agenda-setting” to bring the issue to the forefront of the discussion and “framing” to change how the American public felt about President Clinton’s actions. On what issues today have the media “set the agenda” and attempted to “frame” American opinion a certain way?
Remember, only two of these will be on the final, so you will need to outline two. You cannot bring your outlines with you to the test. However, outlining them and preparing beforehand is a great, proven technique to help you write a solid essay on the exam. These questions are difficult, so start prepping now!

Happy studying,

Mr. Settecase

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